Migraine Headache Reliever (5.11G - Type A/B/C/D)

Disclaimer:  This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition.  It is not designed or intended to replace proper medical attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical professional.  It is not designed or intended to replace any drug or be used to or relied upon to save lives.  Pain is an indication that something is wrong and may need proper medical attention. Therefore, always seek appropriate medical attention, diagnosis and treatment for your pain and what causes it.

End Disclaimer

Migraine Headache Reliever is the result of extensive research, testing, experimentation and development started in 2009.  It is, as the title indicates, intended for relieving migraine headaches.

How Do I Know If I Get Migraine Headaches?

Migraine headaches commonly have the following characteristics:

  1. Head pain or headache which is classified as causing moderate to severe pain.
  2. The headache is accompanied by pounding, pulsing, pulsating or throbbing sensations.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. Sensitivity, sometimes extreme sensitivity, to one or more of the following: light, sound, smells.
  5. Headaches that last from ~4 hours to as much as several days at a time.
  6. If you experience these symptoms 15 days or more in a single month, you may be classified as having chronic migraine headaches.

If you experience these symptoms, then this subliminal experience may offer you an option for relief.  It is designed to deal with moderate to severe migraine pain.

If you are unsure if you are experiencing migraine headaches, please consult your doctor for a professional diagnosis.  It is a good idea to ask your doctor about treatments for migraines, as there are new treatments coming up all the time.  Also let your doctor know that you are using this program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: This is a sound based program.  Doesn't this contradict the sensitivity to sound that accompanies this type of headache?

A: If the program is used at too high a volume, yes.  Otherwise, it should be just fine.  The volume specified for this program is the volume at which it achieves the best pain relief for migraine headaches.

Q: Can this be used for other types of headaches?

A: Theoretically, yes.  It cannot hurt to try.  However, specific optimal usage patterns may vary, and are at this time unknown for other types of headaches.

Q: Can this be used with chemical pain relievers?

A: If you have moderate to severe pain, and have found a chemical pain reliever that helps but you want to increase pain relief further, then introduce this program to the mix and see if you can find a combination where there is little to no pain at all.  If you can find such a combination, try at that point to slowly wean yourself off the chemical pain relievers in favor of this program.  This may require some experimentation with usage patterns, but the end goal is to get away from chemical pain relievers and be able to use and rely on this experience alone for your migraine pain relief. In some cases, this program may be able to replace chemical pain relievers altogether.

Q: Will this program influence or interfere with any chemical based drugs I am also using?

A: It is a sound, a set of instructions for your subconscious mind, and should therefore not interact with, influence or affect any drug you are taking.

Q: Can this experience be used as a preventative, or do I need to start using it when I feel the headache start?

A: There are potential three ways to use this program:

  1. Use it while you're experiencing an established migraine headache in progress.
  2. Use it as your migraine headache is just starting.
  3. Use it before your migraine headache starts.

Option 1 is the least good option.  Option 2 is how you should usually be using the program, unless your migraines are so predictable that you can use Option 3.  All of these are options.  Naturally, prevention is better than the other options, but you may find that your headaches are not predictable enough to be prevented.

Q: How long will it take to kick in?

A: That will depend on a number of factors, including your age, the point in the migraine headache at which you start using the program, your choice if formats and volumes, and others as well.  Because of this, I cannot say definitively.  Typically, pain relief effects will start becoming noticeable within 10 to 20 minutes.  They may also start being noticed in less than 10 minutes or take longer than 20 minutes, depending on the point in the migraine where you start using the program and the severity of the pain, among other factors.

Q: How long does it take for this experience to achieve maximum pain relief?

A: That depends on a variety of factors, which makes it impossible to pin down specifically.  It will vary from person to person, and may vary from situation to situation.

Q: How well does this experience deal with migraine headache pain and symptoms?

A: This again is going to depend on the individual and their unique circumstances.  In most cases, it should be effective in significantly reducing, preventing or completely eliminating a migraine headache.  The program is designed to achieve 100% pain relief, but individual variables and circumstances may alter the level of pain relief achieved.  For example, using the wrong format, using too low a volume, not using it for long enough time, etc. may result in less pain relief that is possible under ideal conditions.  Other variables may degrade or enhance achieved pain relief as well.

Q: Is there any risk of addiction or overdose associated with this program?

A: No.  That is one of the key design elements and goals.  There is no chance of anyone becoming addicted to, or overdosing on, this program.  

Q: Can I use this program recreationally to get high or stoned?

A: No.  This program does not present any option or potential for recreational use, or getting high or stoned by using it.

Q: Can I use this program and drive or work or perform tasks which require concentration?

A: You should not try to drive, work or perform tasks which require concentration to be safe to perform while you are listening to this program.  Otherwise, the answer to this will depend on your specific experience of how it affects you.  It is designed to allow the user to achieve complete pain relief and remain able to safely drive, work and perform tasks which require concentration after having finished listening to it.  However, it is possible that your individual response may result in an altered state which makes these tasks unsuitable for doing while you are under the influence of this program.  Therefore, you must get to know how to use this program to best combat and deal with your migraine headaches, and you must also assess how the program affects you outside of simply delivering pain relief.  If you experience any effects which give you any question as to whether it is safe for you to drive, work or perform any task which requires concentration to be accomplished safely, do not do that while you are under the influence of this program.

Q: How long will the pain relief last?

A: This depends on the individual, their specific circumstances, how the program is used and for how long it is used.  Generally speaking, it should fall within the range of hours to days, and possibly longer in some usage scenarios.

Q: Are there any side effects?

A: To the best of my knowledge, the effects this program has include pain relief and may potentially, in certain cases (depending on specific circumstances and usage patterns) include difficulty focusing the mind, tiredness and significant relaxation of the body.  The effects other than pain relief are most likely to result from extended usage, but do not happen for every person who uses the program regardless of how it is used.

Q: Is this program safe to use while I am pregnant?

A: Yes, it should be safe to use while you're pregnant.  

Q: Will this program affect my breast milk while I am lactating?

A: No.  This program will not affect your lactation or the breast milk in any way.  

Q: Can children under 18 be exposed to this experience?

A: Migraine Headache Reliever is not designed for use by people under 18 years of age, but it also does not include an age limiter.  Therefore, it is possible for use by persons under the age of legal majority.  It has not been tested in anyone under the age of 18.  Therefore, consult your doctor about using it with anyone under 18, and understand that you use it at your own risk if you do so.

Q: How long is 1 loop of this experience?

A: The audio is 60 minutes long.


While this program is designed to be usable without causing drowsiness and allowing you to be fully functional and productive, it relies on extremely powerful state shifting for some of how it functions.  Therefore you should not drive, pilot any air or watercraft, use any type of weapon or operate heavy machinery while you are listening to it.  Please make sure that you are safe to do so before doing any of those things while you are under the influence of this program in general.

Migraine Headache Reliever should be used in Ultrasonic format.  Masked format is unlikely to be useful, but is included just in case.  Hybrid format should only be used in the (very unlikely) event that you determine that you cannot achieve sufficient pain relief from Ultrasonic format, from any volume or usage pattern option.

Migraine Headache Reliever usage time depends on how it is used:

To Try To Prevent Headaches Before They Begin:

Use MHR for 45 minutes on the day you expect the migraine to take place.

To Stop A Migraine While It's Forming:

Use Migraine Headache Reliever for 1 (one) loop, starting as soon as you start feeling a migraine headache begin coming on.

To End A Full Blown Migraine In Progress:

Use Migraine Headache Reliever for exactly 4 (four) loops, even if the pain is completely relieved long before that, and even if you do not achieve 100% pain relief after using it for 4 loops.  Do not use this program more than 4 loops per day.

Platform and Volume

Platform refers to the device on which you play this experience.  In order to accurately use this program at the volume I specify, you should only play this program on a cell phone through the speakers.  Any other device or method of playback will give you a different volume than the one I am trying to specify for you so that you get the results you are trying to get.  Using the right volume is very important for getting the best possible results.

Always use this program through the speakers of your cell phone with your cell phone within arm's reach!  This ensures consistent volume and is very important for best results!

Optimal volume for this program may be different for each person.  To find the optimal volume, you must use it either while a headache is forming, or while it is in full swing. You cannot use this program to try to prevent headaches until you know what the optimal volume is for you.  The process for finding the optimal volume is as follows:

We will start using this program at the volume that should work best for most people.

When you start getting a migraine, immediately start playing this program through your cell phone speakers in Ultrasonic format at a volume of 5 out of 15 clicks on Android, 6 out of 16 clicks on iPhone, 10 out of 30 on a Google phone with 30 clicks of volume, or as close to 33% volume as possible (rounding down if necessary) on any other phone.

Use the program according to instructions for the situation (headache is developing, or headache is already fully formed).

Take note of the relief you get from using it at this volume, according to the instructions.

If you are unable to get the pain down to a manageable level using this volume and the instructed usage pattern, then next time you have a headache developing play it at 1 click LOWER volume (Android or iPhone) or 2 clicks LOWER volume on a Google phone.

Each time you do this process, keep notes on how well the volume works for you: Pain level when you started using it, how long it took to start working, and pain level when you were getting maximum effect from that volume.

Keep doing this process until you achieve complete pain relief, you are saisfied with achieving a good level of pain relief, or you have reached the lowest possible volume on your phone that is not silent. 

If you have done this process from the starting volume all the way down to the phone's minimum non-zero volume, and you are still not getting satisfactory pain relief, then do the following:

When you start getting a migraine, immediately start playing this program through your cell phone speakers in Ultrasonic format at a volume of 6 out of 15 clicks on Android, 7 out of 16 clicks on iPhone, 12 out of 30 on a Google phone with 30 clicks of volume.

Use the program according to instructions for the situation (headache is developing, or headache is already fully formed).

Take note of the relief you get from using it at this volume, according to the instructions.

If you are unable to get the pain down to a manageable level using this volume and the instructed usage pattern, then next time you have a headache developing play it at 1 click HIGHER volume (Android or iPhone) or 2 clicks HIGHER volume on a Google phone.

Each time you do this process, keep notes on how well the volume works for you: Pain level when you started using it, how long it took to start working, and pain level when you were getting maximum effect from that volume.

Keep doing this process until you achieve complete pain relief, you are saisfied with achieving a good level of pain relief, or you have reached a volume of 10 out of 15 clicks on an Android cell phone, 11 out of 16 clicks on iPhone, 20 out of 30 on a Google phone with 30 clicks of volume.

If at any time when you use this program at a volume above 5 out of 15, 6 out of 16 or 10 out of 30, the volume of the audio makes the headache worse, then immediately lower the volume. This should not happen as long as you keep the volume to 10 out of 15, 11 out of 16 or 20 out of 30 on your cell phone - but if it does, lower the volume immediately to the last known volume at which the program worked without making the headache worse.

Once you have found a volume at which the program achieves complete pain relief, or achieves its best results if complete relief does not result, use the best volume for you from then on.

Remember, do not use headphones or speakers, and do not use the Ultrasonic format of this program with headphones or earbuds.  These devices present very different volume profiles than phone speakers even at the same number of clicks of volume, which makes the specified volume inaccurate if you switch from speakers to headphones or earbuds.  It is also too easy to over- or under-volume the program without knowing it.  

The program is designed to continue providing pain relief after you stop listening, and is also designed to be usable without having negative effects or side effects.  

Please note that this program is impossible to experience any kind of overdose from, impossible to get high from and impossible to become addicted to.  

You should only try to use the Hybrid format if after seven uses of using Ultrasonic format, you are experiencing insufficient pain relief.  Masked format is unlikely to produce sufficient pain relief, but can be tried as a last resort.  Most people will find that Ultrasonic format works well for them.

SHA256 hash values:

[shannon@localhost Migraine Headache Reliever]$ sha256sum *

ecda3cf4ff149d85a7325346044ca73577f1686cc8f4973e03839249030ad7ff Migraine_Headache_Reliever_5p11G_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf_Silent).flac

7673e5da97edb2b5564a7063158178c041f4bab8dfd645ef290e95e0bab433ce Migraine_Headache_Reliever_5p11G_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac

e7659d87727feac4322e9616bfaa653e729e929ea8c9b22cf2c72748b13bcf9e Migraine_Headache_Reliever_5p11G_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac

e273f2d95366b507bba3d027cd1a713da169886cd5b9d3f4dbb4539f2d4e155d Migraine_Headache_Reliever_5p11G_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

464d31f79a1ad2896d462667842aafb286aba1451a3112b3e50fbfb252d81081 Migraine_Headache_Reliever_5p11G_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac

[shannon@localhost Migraine Headache Reliever]$sha256sum *.txt

219e418016e13e1fb3d73bd01d15c4d0a02cea300f1aa4a09fadfab722aaaebc  Migraine_Headache_Reliever_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

[shannon@localhost Migraine Headache Reliever]$