Stop Smoking Forever! Version 5.1 Six Stage Set (5th Gen, Type B/C/D Hybrid)

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(I know this is a lot to read, but I promise you, it's worth it.  Please read this product description to the end.  You can thank me later. :-)

If there was a way to quit smoking without stress, anxiety, weight gain, irritability, cravings, frustration, withdrawal or even effort, would you use it?  If you could just wake up one morning and be free of any and all desire to smoke, without struggling to quit or stay quit, would you be interested?

Chances are, if you're like most smokers, the answer is a surprising "No".  Why?  Because smokers who want to quit are almost invariably so brainwashed into believing that smoking must be difficult by the time they find my program that they simply cannot bring themselves to believe that anything else is possible.  Which, ironically, is exactly why they struggle and suffer and fail to quit when they try to, in the first place!

The other reason is that they're almost always afraid to quit.  Terrified.  They think that by stopping smoking, they're "giving up something", or that they won't be as happy without their "little friend", or that they'll have to suffer, or have less enjoyment after meals and other activities, or that they'll be more alone in the world, or that they won't have their "weight loss crutch" or their "anxiety reducer" or their reason for being able to fit in with the group, or talk to others, or that they're only going to suffer before they fail anyway, so why even bother?  You name it.  Smokers have a hundred and one fears when it comes to quitting, and if you recognize that fact as true, congratulations!  You're very likely genuinely ready to quit.

But contrary to what everyone says and repeats and insists is true, quitting doesn't have to be difficult.  It doesn't have to be a struggle.  You don't have to suffer.  You're not giving anything up, either, because smoking doesn't give you anything positive at all in the first place!  What smoking does give you is the most insidious drug addiction of all, which makes you constantly struggle to get back to that natural feeling of contentedness you naturally had (and took for granted) all the time before you started smoking.  And then it convinces you, somehow, that it gave you something by relieving the suffering that it caused to begin with!

Talk about an insidious trap!

But it doesn't have to be that way.  And to give you an example of why, let me show you why you've suffered while trying to quit in the past with a little story:

"If you want to cut a loaf of fresh, hot bread, you naturally go out to your garage to get your hammer and cut yourself a slice of bread with your hammer, right?  Everybody knows this. It's blatantly obvious common sense.  No rational person would try to cut a loaf of bread with anything else.  That would be ridiculous.  Unfortunately, cutting bread is extremely difficult; in fact, it is almost impossible.  It's a well known fact, and all the experts agree.  Everyone you ask who has tried to cut bread with a hammer will tell you, they've seen others struggle to cut a slice of bread and fail, many times.  They've even struggled and failed themselves. It is a well known and verified fact that cutting bread is just going to be almost impossible to do."

Do you see the point I am making here?  It should have been instantly obvious.  If you want to cut bread easily, you would never use a hammer.  And you would never expect to, because a hammer is designed to drive nails, not cut bread!  It makes perfect sense that you would struggle and fail to cut a slice of bread with a hammer for this reason.  In fact you will also struggle terribly with and fail miserably at trying to accomplish the simple act of slicing bread - repeatedly and assuredly - using a bubble level, a T-square, a screwdriver and a wrench.  And this is all so obvious that you might be laughing right now, as well you should be; it's absolutely preposterous to try to do!  You cut bread with a knife, of course, and a sharp one at that.  Everybody knows this, and why it is common sense could not be more obvious:

The right tool for the job makes the job easy, and the wrong one makes it unnecessarily difficult, if not outright impossible.  Do you see where I am going with this?  There is a serious logical flaw in the belief that quitting smoking is hard to do, and that flaw is this:

People all using the wrong tools to quit smoking all agree that quitting smoking is hard to do, never realizing that they're only having a hard time quitting because they're using the wrong tools!

In fact, quitting smoking is actually extremely easy to do.  It's actually so easy that people who use the right tool for the job sometimes don't even realize they've quit for a while after they have done so.  When you use the right tool for the job, the job becomes as easy as it actually is.  And no amount of expert opinion, or what you saw, or what you experienced while using the wrong tools for the job is going to change that fact! But everyone is convinced that the right way to quit smoking is to use the wrong tools for the job!

This program is the right tool for the job.  

If you want to quit smoking, permanently...

If you want to quit smoking, effortlessly, without cravings, without withdrawals, without weight gain, without irritability, without stress - and while you continue to smoke as you please - this program  is how you do it.  

There is simply no other way to quit that is this easy, or this effective. Period. This program is one of the best kept secrets you will ever find.

Under the hood, this program is built on 8 years of research, development, refinement and testing, both for how to quit smoking successfully. 

I originally built this title for my mother, who was a smoker.  I watched her try again and again every which way from Sunday to stop smoking, some of them multiple separate times.  She was a smoker for 53 years, and was actively and regularly trying to quit for about 23 of them.  Her efforts to quit included:

  1. Cold turkey.
  2. Special vitamin supplements.
  3. Special herbal supplements.
  4. Doctor prescribed pills.
  5. Nicotine patches.
  6. Nicotine gums.
  7. Three different hypnotists.
  8. Multiple different hypnosis recordings.
  9. Subliminals (from someone else).
  10. Group talk therapy.
  11. One-on-one talk therapy.
  12. Acupressure.
  13. Acupuncture.

Of all the things she tried before using the program I eventually created for her, nothing worked.  She always ended up smoking again within several uncomfortable hours, days or weeks.  And every time she failed, she lost that much more hope of ever being free, and became that much more convinced that it was hopeless.

Does this sound familiar to you?  Try everything you can find and everything you can think of, and try again and again, only to fail after suffering while you tried?  Statistics say that most smokers who succeed in quitting permanently require several tries to succeed.  One of the biggest issues with the recorded statistics on quitting, though, is that they don't measure people quitting permanently.  I hate to tell you this, but quitting is an all or nothing option: if you start again, you haven't quit.  You just paused your habit for a while.  Contrary to popular smoker's lore, "serial quitting" doesn't exist.

I created this program for my mother because I wanted her to be around as long as possible.  It took me three years of research and development to create the program she used (Version 3.0 of this program).  With my program, she made absolutely zero effort to quit, and succeeded in just 8 weeks.  This was after she laughed at me to my face because she thought I was crazy to think I could get her to quit.  But I did.

How did I do it?  I took the time to really understand the issue.  I considered all of her past failed attempts, and looked for what they all had in common.  I started interviewing every smoker who would talk to me.  I made myself very knowledgeable about why people smoke, why they try to quit, and why they fail.  And then, I turned that knowledge into a subliminal program that avoids all the reasons people fail.  Not surprisingly, this very logical, common sense approach produced a subliminal program that worked for her when nothing else had.

But it didn't just work for her.  It has worked for every single person I know of who has used it properly.

Sure, there have been those who self sabotaged and continued smoking because they found an excuse not to use it, or not to use it according to the directions.  But when you actually use it, and actually use it according to the directions, you will find that over time, you simply lose interest in cigarettes and smoking, and eventually you just stop.  No effort, no weight gain, no frustration, no worries, no stress, no withdrawal, no feelings of being deprived, no missing your 'little friend', nothing.  You will be free, and it will be effortless.

Originally this program was priced at $500 a copy.  But I dropped it to what it is now because I wanted it to be more accessible and available to more people who need help quitting.  It took me weeks to build this program after the 8 years of research, development and testing it took to be able to create the script, and I firmly believe it is worth every cent of the original $500 price.  But it can't help people if they cannot afford it, or are unwilling to spend that amount of money to buy it.

The results this program gets were worth the time, and effort it took to create it.  This program will not only let you successfully stop smoking (while you smoke as usual), but it will make quitting so effortless to do so that you might go for a few days or even weeks without smoking before you realize you've stopped!  In testing, almost every one of the testers actually quit smoking without realizing they had lost all desire for a cigarette (effectively having quit with no effort to do so) for between several hours to more than a week.

The secret to quitting successfully is actually quite simple:  You must do it slowly and gently, and you must do it by removing the fear that keeps you smoking.  

You see, the entire issue that makes it hard to quit smoking is not actually the nicotine itself.  Nicotine is widely known to be an extremely addictive drug, but not many people know that it is actually one of the least difficult to deal with in terms of withdrawals.  In fact it only takes about 14 days being free of nicotine before it leaves your body completely.  After that point, all the desire you have to smoke is purely psychological.  In other words, it's based 100% on your social brainwashing after that point.

What do I mean by "social brainwashing"?  Quite simply that it is your belief that smoking must be difficult to quit, that actually makes it difficult to quit smoking!  And why do you believe it is difficult to quit?  Because of three things:

  • Every "expert" you can find will tell you it is.
  • You have been told it is hard to quit so many times you believe it.
  • You have seen with your own eyes others struggle "because it is so hard to quit", and fail again and again.  And, you may have even experienced it it yourself!

That seems like some pretty darned solid proof that it's hard to quit, now doesn't it?  But it's all based on a simple truth that most people never realize, which is this:

Smoking is only as hard to quit as you believe it is!

Here's how this actually works:

Before you ever even started smoking, you were being brainwashed to believe that "it's hard to quit smoking", by "experts", smokers, and various forms of advertising, movies and social media.  You didn't realize it at the time because you were not paying attention, but your subconscious mind noticed all of it, and stored these experiences.  Since they were repeated over and over again, and the "experts" said they were true, you accepted them as true subconsciously (and probably consciously as well) before you ever even started smoking, or had a clue consciously what smoking was like.

Then you started smoking.  At first it was disgusting, but you persisted, probably because you wanted to be cool, accepted, be part of a group.  You persisted until you got yourself addicted, but at first you were convinced you could quit.  When you started to realize you couldn't, you started to make excuses - "I enjoy smoking," for instance.  But the truth is, you were afraid to quit, because you had already come to believe that it was going to be so hard, so terrible and so difficult and painful, and that you'd fail again and again anyway.  And let's face it, who wants to deal with that?

Eventually you got to the point that excuses and lies you told yourself no longer cut it, and you decided to try to quit anyway.  And right on cue, you had all the symptoms you were brainwashed to believe you would and should have.  (And I'd bet more than one "expert" told you to try to quit by dosing yourself with more nicotine in the form of patches, gums, etc.  If this approach really worked so well, doctors would be prescribing heroin to stop heroin addictions!)

The result is that you were brainwashed, got addicted to nicotine, became afraid of what you were brainwashed to believe, and then turned it into a full-blown self fulfilling prophecy - probably with the help of the "experts" who insisted that to kill your nicotine addiction, you needed ... more nicotine!  

This fails, of course, because not only is it preposterous, but every dose of nicotine completely re-sets the addiction!  Weaning yourself off nicotine is almost impossible for most people to do successfully that very reason.  Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the public, right up there with cigarettes themselves.  And guess who profits when you fall for it?  Not you!

So now you have the brainwashing, the fear, the results of the brainwashing and your first failure under your belt.  Congratulations - you're on the road to making it harder to quit next time.

Why?  Because every time you try to quit and do it using the wrong method, you are only reinforcing the fear, and brainwashing and the expectation of  failure.  In other words, you are negatively programming your mind to expect and achieve failure instead of success.

The second time is worse than the first, and the third is worse and on and on.  Eventually you lose hope.  One method after another fails, time after time, and you now have come to believe so thoroughly that it is impossible to quit that you have made it true, just as surely as you made it true that first time by believing that it was difficult to impossible to begin with!

But instead of recognizing this whole process of brainwashing, you have concluded that it's proof that it really is hard to quit.  By doing so, you seal your fate, and it become exactly as impossible to quit as you have programmed your mind to believe it is.

Seems hopeless, doesn't it? But I have some very good news for you: there's still hope.

As I have said above, the truth is, it's only as hard as you believe that it is.  The secret is that your subconscious mind is absolutely literal, and will believe anything it has accepted as being true, and if necessary, it will make that belief true by manifesting the physical responses within your body if need be.  This has been known by hypnotists for almost a hundred years now, but it's an "inconvenient truth" for the rest of the world because too many people would lose money if we actually used the power of our minds to deal with these issues instead of drugs and surgery.

So what I am saying here is this.  You have a set of false beliefs that you have accepted subconsciously (and probably consciously) as being true through a cycle of negative brainwashing, and it is those false beliefs that your subconscious is acting on.  In effect, it is simply doing what it thinks you want it to do by taking an easy job (quitting) and making it almost impossible for you because it believes that difficulty is how quitting works.  Your subconscious mind does not have the capacity to reason out what is good or bad; it will do literally whatever it believes you want it to do.  Even if it is detrimental for you.

There is exactly one way to fix the problem.  If you change that program your subconscious mind is running on from negative to positive, guess what?  In the opposite direction, it's going to make it just as easy to quit as you tell it to.  So when you have removed the fears and the beliefs and insistence that it has to be difficult, and painful and fail anyway, and then tell it to turn off your body's response to nicotine, without withdrawals or stress or cravings or weight gain or any of the rest, and then change your self identity to that of a non-smoker, it will do exactly that.

(Incidentally, weight gain is the result of smokers trying to feed their nicotine pangs with food, because the two often feel very similar to most smokers.  Turn off those withdrawals, and you don't eat, and therefore don't gain weight.)

What does a smoker do by definition that a non-smoker does not?  Smoke, of course.  So once this new program is in place, you'll stop smoking without effort, without cravings, without any of it.  And it will happen so gently you probably won't even notice it.

Time and again, this program has allowed smokers to stop smoking and become permanent non-smokers without effort, as long as they follow the instructions. Most people quit smoking without effort within 2-8 weeks, and the rest of the program is designed to make it permanent.

That's another issue this program deals with that other stop smoking methods don't: it's designed to be permanent.  Instead of focusing everything on just getting you to stop smoking, this program deals with all three stages of quitting:

  1. Changing the beliefs that result in the natural stopping the ingestion of nicotine.
  2. Changing the subconscious beliefs that result in the natural destroying of the desire for nicotine.
  3. Making the change permanent.

That's why this is Version 5, and not Version 3, which my mother quit smoking with.  Version 3 assumed that the entire challenge was simply to get to the point that you stop the act of smoking.  But what I learned from her experience was that while it is actually not difficult to get people to stop the act of smoking, you must make that subconscious programming long term or permanently dominant, or the cravings will return.  If that happens, it becomes much more likely that the smoking will continue, which is why most other stop smoking methods ultimately fail.

So, I designed Version 5.0 to deal with that fact also.  Now the main program comes in six stages, which gradually shift your subconscious beliefs from the fear of quitting and expectation of failure most smokers have when they start trying to quit, to freedom from cigarettes without effort, withdrawal, stress, anxiety, irritability, cravings, while making the changes long term to permanent.

There is also a seventh stage, which is intended as a cravings destroyer.  Once you have finished the program, if you experience any cravings, use Stage 7 for a month each time you have a craving.  Very few people ever need Stage 7, and nobody I know of has ever needed to use it more than a time or two.  In fact, as far as I know, nobody has needed to use Stage 7 at all since Version 4.0.

I have literally done eight years of research and development to create this program, and it works.  It takes care of every aspect of quitting for you, and makes it easy.  The only thing you need to do is want to quit enough to get yourself a copy, and then use it according to the directions.  And how easy is that?  Pretty easy.  You simply calibrate the volume, and then set Stage 1 playing on speakers in your bedroom, on loop (whichever format you prefer).  Every 32 days, you switch to the next stage.  That's it.  You listen while you sleep.

And yes, you can smoke as you wish while you're using the program.  The less stress and anxiety you have while quitting, the better, so we're not going to try to force you to quit before you actually give it up naturally.  So smoke if you want to; the program will still do the job.  In fact, the program was specifically designed with the expectation that you would be smoking as usual while you use it!

What if you don't have speakers in your bedroom?  Some of my customers have reported playing it on their computers, and some have used walkman type setups.  The program is actually going to be most effective (and most quickly effective) if you play it on speakers while you sleep, and use it on headphones for at least an hour per day also.  But however you do it, as long as you're using a stereo audio source to play it, you should be good. I suggest 8-16 hours of exposure per day; the more, the better (up to a maximum of 21 hours a day).

"So what if I don't quit smoking?" you ask.  "Nothing else worked, what if this doesn't either?"  No problem.  If it doesn't work for you after you have used the program properly, according to the instructions, all you have to do is send us an e-mail through the store and ask for a refund.  Here's the refund policy for this program (which is also our standard refund policy, by the way):

If you use this program according to the directions, and you do not quit smoking by the end of using all six stages for 32 days each, without interruption or pause between the stages, you have 180 days (6 months) from the day you finish Stage 6 to request a refund.  

But you have to use it for all six stages of the main program, for 32 days each, without stopping!  You may think you're done after 2-8 weeks, when you have quit, and you don't see the point of continuing the program anymore.  There's a very good reason this program has six stages.  Keep going!  At that point, you are not trying to quit anymore, but make the change a permanent one.  If you don't keep going, you may not stay quit.

One of the beautiful things about this program is that once you've bought your copy, it's yours forever.  So if in 2 or 5 or 10 years, you want to use it again, you can, for no additional cost.  It's always there for you.

One other thing.  This program is so powerful that it has been known to cause entire households full of smokers exposed to it to all quit at the same time, even if they don't know it's playing.  So don't worry if you want to quit, but you live with other smokers; you're going to succeed regardless if you use it properly. But it will also be possible to get everyone in the house to quit along with you, as long as they have enough exposure also.  (Some people leave it playing in their living room, 24/7, for that reason.)

So when you're ready to quit, and you're tired of trying and failing, get yourself a copy of this program and use it according to the directions.  Stop just trying to quit, and really do it, once and for all.  And once you have succeeded, tell everyone you know, and have them come get their own copies.  Together, we can eradicate smoking once and for all!

P. S. - Once you have purchased a copy of Stop Smoking Forever in 5th Generation format, you are entitled to upgrade to all future versions at no additional charge, for the rest of your life!  So when each new version is released, guess what?  You can get it absolutely free!  Of course it's very unlikely that you'll have much use for the newer versions, because you'll be a non-smoker.  But should you ever have reason to want to get the latest and greatest, it's yours for the asking.

Order your copy now.  You have absolutely nothing to lose but slavery to cigarettes and nicotine, and everything to gain!

Stop Smoking FAQ

What do I do if I miss days on a 6 stage program?

With 6 stage programs especially it’s recommended not to miss days of listening, because you’re building a new habit and new programming and you need it to be consistent. But if you REALLY can’t help it then the formula is…

(days missed) x 1.5 + (days not missed) = time

So each day missed add 1.5 days.

Can I use a 6 stage program stage for 64 days instead of 32?

No. These programs are designed for 32 days per stage, and using them for longer unbalances the stage script interactions, which damages the results. Instead if running one six stage program, you’re effectively running six related single stages in a way that doesn’t work nearly as well. Time of exposure per set of instructions has to be balanced for stages to interact properly and beneficially, and you have other factors to consider as well.

Two consecutive runs at 32 days per stage, back to back, is a vastly better idea.

Why on 6 stage programs do I have to listen 32 days each stage?

Basically, that number is a result of a lot of research and experimentation.  I have seen firsthand that it’s a really good amount of time to use the subliminal, get the result.

5G and earlier six stage sets are designed specifically to be used for 32 days per stage. 5.5G and later six stage sets are designed to be used according to the number of usage cycles required to fill a month.

How can anyone possibly stop smoking using a subliminal? It seems impossible!

People who ask me that question invariably have it in their heads that smoking is an entirely physical addiction, and that nicotine is not just the most addictive substance known to man, but impossible to break the grasp of.

The truth is, nicotine is extremely addictive, but it is not very difficult to break the grasp of at all. The real problem behind the epidemic of cigarette smoking isn’t the addictiveness of nicotine, or the difficulty breaking it’s grasp, it’s the social hypnosis that is going on. The universally accepted belief that it is so hard to quit, that XYZ always happens when you try, and that you must fail several times and suffer while doing it before you have a chance to succeed.

I hear this on the radio all the time. Commercials for the Florida Tobacco Quit Line even repeat these falsehoods. It’s pretty bad when even the people who want to help you quit smoking – including doctors – are actually helping you stay addicted by repeating and reinforcing your false beliefs that it must be difficult, which are responsible for making it much more difficult than it actually is or has to be. 

The proof is in the pudding. If subliminal stop smoking programs can work, then if they are properly scripted, built and used, they should work. I don’t know about other stop smoking subliminals, but I do know that this one does work for the vast majority of people who use it properly. I have seen it work again and again, even for the most resistant personalities. And it works by doing nothing more than changing what the person using them believes.

Imagine that. Quitting smoking effortlessly, without having to suffer withdrawal, anxiety, frustration, anger, irritability, weight gain or any of the rest. Just by slowly and gently changing what you believe. It sounds amazing, but I have seen it happen again and again, as long as the user follows the directions.

The real reason people have trouble quitting is their deep subconscious belief that quitting must be difficult – not because it is actually difficult. And my stop smoking program deals with all those false beliefs that hold you in place, slowly, gently and effortlessly allowing you to quit without any of the negatives.

My stop smoking program is scripted based on literally years of research and interviewing smokers about why they smoke, why they try to quit, and why they fail when they try. What other stop smoking subliminal can make that claim?

It has been said that this program is the best and most effective way to stop smoking in the world.  

What is this “social hypnosis” you talk about?

Social hypnosis is a form of herd-think that results when a group of people accept something as true, and then others accept it as true because the first group did, with it becoming true because it is accepted as being true, and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, even though in reality, it is not true.

Case in point. Ask anyone if smoking is difficult to quit. in 99.99999% of cases, you’ll get an answer like, “Of course it is, everybody knows that.” Is it actually difficult to quit? No. But this belief is almost universally accepted as being universally, provably and undeniably true, and that belief has made it a self fulfilling prophecy.

How? Well, the average person hears and sees “it’s hard to quit smoking” all the time and all their lives. They are already conditioned to accept just by this to believe it is true at every leve of their conscious and subconscious minds.

Then they experience "authority figures" and "experts" claiming that it’s true also. Scientists and doctors, whom they take as infallible, so they further accept it as true.

Then they see smokers actually experiencing difficulty quitting smoking, and who would know better than smokers?  So they naturally conclude that it must be true.

For that person who believes unquestioningly with all of their conscious and subconscious minds that "it is hard to quit smoking", it is at that point true that “it is hard to quit smoking” because they believe it to be so and they therefore make it so for themselves if they ever start smoking, become addicted and try to quit.

The reason for that is simple. The relevant parts of the subconscious mind do not understand things or process things like the conscious mind does.They do not have the capacity to differentiate "good for you" or "desirable" from "bad for you" or "undesirable"; they just blindly execute, act on and act as if whatever has been accepted as true is true. That means that for the person who becomes addicted to nicotine while holding these beliefs, they will begin executing those negative subconscious beliefs about smoking and quitting smoking as literal mind programming whenever there is a trigger for it.

Those triggers include everything they have been told to expect to cause whatever symptom or withdrawal response, including not having a cigarette every X minutes or hours, or when they go without one after activity A, B or C. So whenever they go without nicotine long enough, they start experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and then the social hypnosis kicks in and creates the rest of the effect because the right parts of their subconscious mind has accepted it as true that that is what should and must happen when that particular experience (trigger) happens.

Nicotine lasts no more than 14 days in the body after it’s last dose, so after that, there’s nothing physical left to trigger the withdrawals. The rest is all resulting from – you guessed it – social hypnosis. The deep subconscious beliefs that “when I try to quit smoking, it will be hard, and I will experience X and Y and Z, and it will be terrible and I will fail again and again and suffer terribly along the way.”

What you were told, over and over and over by everyone around you. What you saw others enacting because they believed it, and mistook as being true. What you accepted as true about smoking and quitting. What your subconscious mind is faithfully and automatically trying to execute as programming by making it true for you.

And when it does, it only reinforces that belief, makes the belief stronger, and repeats the cycle.

I discovered this effect by creating a subliminal for my mother to get her to quit smoking. When after she tried everything she could find for about 23 years and failed, Version 3 of my stop smoking program got her to quit in 8 weeks without cravings, anger, anxiety, irritability, hunger, weight gain, or even trying. The program did nothing but change what she subconsciously believed to be true, and as a result, she quit without any of the hassle or difficulty. She also stayed quit for the rest of her life. And that cannot have happened unless the social hypnosis - her beliefs alone - was the real issue in the first place.

Yes, nicotine is a very addictive drug, but very fortunately it is relatively easy to deal with by itself. It’s all that false negative social hypnosis that causes the vast majority of the problems we associate with quitting. Not nicotine.

Does your stop smoking program cause weight gain?

No, the stop smoking program does not cause any weight gain. The cause of weight gain while trying to quit is the smoker seeking to quell the desire to smoke with food, since most smokers experience cravings for nicotine as being very similar to hunger for food.

In all cases, our testers and customers have reported a weight gain of 0 to 8 pounds. Most (around 3 in 4 testers and users) reported no weight gain at all; those who did gain weight often had other valid reasons for that weight gain (medications usually), and in all cases where it was from quitting, any weight gained while quitting came off quite naturally over a few months after finishing the program.

For all intents and purposes, you can expect little to no weight gain, and whatever weight is gained is naturally and easily lost after finishing the program. The program actually helps prevent weight gain by reducing stress as much as possible, and removing the triggers that result in weight gain while trying to quit using other methods.

Why do you believe that quitting smoking is difficult because of social hypnosis, instead of nicotine addiction?

Primarily because the program works, and all it is doing is changing what you believe about yourself and smoking.

If the program is only changing your beliefs about smoking, and the result is that you – while smoking all you want along the way – gradually stop smoking without even trying to, and then over time become a permanent non-smoker, then it stands to reason that it isn’t nicotine that’s really the problem. It is, instead, what the program is changing, which is nothing more than your beliefs about smoking, and being a smoker.

Couple that with the fact that after all the nicotine leaves your body (takes about 14 days from the last dose), there’s nothing there to physically cause an addiction response anymore (except your accepted beliefs about what you should experience), and the fact that hypnosis can achieve the results it can, and you have your answer.

The problem with quitting smoking isn’t nicotine, it’s what you believe about smoking, and what you believe about your self identity as a smoker.

Do I have to stop smoking while using your stop smoking subliminal?

No! In fact, I specifically designed the stop smoking program in such a way that it is actually better for you to smoke as normal while you use it. You see, one of the biggest causes for failure in quitting smoking is stress. Stress triggers cravings, and cravings trigger stress. This feedback loop can eventually overcome most of even the strong willed smokers trying to quit.

My program is designed to be used while you smoke as normal because this eliminates the stress of trying to quit, as well as the stress of fear of failure, and the fear of the dreaded side effects of trying to quit – irritability, stress, anger, anxiety, weight gain, hunger, failure, etc.

When you are not consciously trying to quit smoking, you have none of these stresses, and none of the fears. Thus, no stress. Then the program works its magic and eventually helps you de-stress and remain calm while in stressful situations and also while it slowly and gently weans you off the nicotine and erases the social hypnosis that triggers the withdrawal symptoms even after the nicotine is gone.

In the end, if you just "set it and forget it", the process is effortless because there is no stress, and by the time you have quit, you have purged all the false, limiting, damaging social hypnosis and beliefs that created 90% of the problem in the first place while being free of nicotine physically.

So when you use my stop smoking subliminal, relax.  Follow the instructions and just set it and forget it: it will do all the heavy lifting for you. Smoke as much as you like along the way. Just be sure to use it 8+ hours a day, every day, for at least 6 months.

Does your program tell me that smoking is bad for me, or try to scare me into quitting?

No. I do not use either method for two reasons. First, they simply don’t work. Second, that is negative programming, and negative programming gets negative results.  I therefore never use negative programming.

Telling smokers what smoking does to them, or trying to scare them into quitting, or trying to guilt them into quitting, or shame them into quitting or pressure them into it simply does not work 99.9999% of the time.  It is blatantly obvious, and I wish more “stop smoking advocates” would grow a brain and figure this out. All that they accomplish with these negative approaches is a bunch of people who want to smoke in order to tell them to kiss off.

My program uses positive programming only, and it is based on interviews with many, many smokers. It works by addressing the actual causes of smoking, nicotine addiction and the reasons smokers fail when they try to quit.

For instance, smokers don’t want to be forced, goaded, nagged, reminded or pushed to quit, so the program doesn’t try to force it. You should smoke as much as you want while using this program, and allow it to do it’s thing without effort on your part.  

Smokers tend to be afraid of quitting because they don’t want to have to deal with all the pain, suffering and difficulty they expect, only to fail and have to do it all over again. So the program takes care of that by dissolving the beliefs that they must experience those negative things when they quit smoking, because those negative things are really completely unnecessary to experience when you quit. They only exist because of social hypnosis, and they have become a self fulfilling prophecy. Once those beliefs are dissolved, the subconscious is freed from trying to execute them as true when you try to quit, and the natural default state is achieved instead. Result: no negative symptoms while you quit, and successfully and permanently quitting without effort or stress.

Smokers naturally also tend to self-identify as smokers, which by definition means they must smoke. So the program gently shifts the person’s self identity to that of a non-smoker, who by definition, does not smoke.  This relieves a lot of the reason why people fail when they try to quit.

Smokers tend to resent non-smokers and ex-smokers for always getting on their case. The result is resistance to quitting, because you will not allow yourself to become what you resent. So the program dissolves resentment of non-smokers and ex-smokers, and re-frames being a non-smoker as a desirable thing.

And so on. I've taken the time to truly understand smokers and how to help them. There’s no negative programming, pressure, guilt, shame, fear or scare tactics here.

Will I have to fight cravings for cigarettes while I use your program, or after it’s finished?

If you use the program properly, you will not have to fight cravings while you use it because it is designed so that you can smoke as you please while you use it. In fact I encourage you to continue smoking as you please while you use it, because if you don’t, you’re causing yourself stress and that leads to cravings which trigger stress, and that usually results in smoking.

Once the program is finished, you should never again have cravings to smoke. If you are one of the very few people who do, running the program again for 6 more months will take care of that for good.

Will your stop smoking subliminal work even if the person doesn’t know it’s playing?

Yes. We have had users and testers do tests on and experiments with this (on their own, we do not condone exposing people to subliminals without their knowledge and consent) and they all found that smokers do quit smoking even if they don’t know they’re being exposed to the program. In fact, they discovered that the smokers who are exposed properly, even without knowing it, would quit smoking even if they are in a group, and even if they are living together.  As long as they are exposed consistently and sufficiently, according to the directions, they quit smoking.

How does your stop smoking program work?

Quite logically, and quite well. It seeks to slowly, gently and comfortably change the state of the smoker’s deep subconscious mind, beliefs, identity, expectations and responses to become those of a non-smoker.

A smoker smokes to return to the state which a non-smoker experiences all the time: freedom from craving cigarettes or nicotine. But the act of smoking does not quell that craving, it actually creates it. A non-smoker never craves cigarettes or nicotine in part because they are not addicted to nicotine, and in part because their self identity is that of a non-smoker. Their subconscious mind does not expect to crave nicotine, or for it to be difficult for them not to smoke because they are non-smokers, and by definition, they therefore quite naturally and normally do not smoke.

But the self identity of a smoker includes a long laundry list of deep subconscious programming which includes things like “I need a cigarette.”, "I need cigarettes," "I need nicotine,", “I need a cigarette to ____ (take your pick).”, “It’s hard to quit smoking.” and “If I try to quit smoking, I will experience _____(pick your symptiom).”

Since nicotine is only present in the body for a maximum of 14 days after the final dose, it is impossible for the drug to be physically triggering an addiction withdrawal after that. The responses that one gets after that are all the result of those deep subconscious beliefs – which I call “social hypnosis”.

Social hypnosis happens when nearly all of a society agrees on the truth of a thing that is actually false, which then becomes true because of that belief that it is true. Here’s how this works regarding smoking.

When you were young, you looked around you and saw that everyone said, agreed and genuinely believed that “it’s hard to quit smoking”. You saw it, heard it and experienced it in some form or other again and again. Even the so-called experts, like smokers, doctors and scientists say it and believe it. So you believed it.

Then you observed with your own eyes people having trouble trying to stop smoking, and having specific and predictable withdrawal difficulties, responses and symptoms, although their experiences which you observed were themselves the result of them executing their own social hypnosis. But because you did not know this, you cemented it in your mind that the claims that it is hard to quit are true, and you accepted them fully, consciously and subconsciously, as being true.

Then, when you went to quit, your subconscious mind looked for what instructions it had for that situation, and saw this:

“It’s hard to quit. I’m going to suffer when I try to quit, and I’m probably going to fail. I should expect to have cravings, irritability, hunger, frustration, etc. etc. I’m going to have to try to quit at least ____ times, and be more miserable every time I try.”

The parts of your subconscious that we deal with in this case are absolutely literal, and they therefore attempt to blindly execute everything they have accepted as true, in order to MAKE it true. So because that is what they have accepted as true, they therefore start executing and making true those instructions when you try to quit, and voila: it’s hard to quit, and you get all the symptoms social hypnosis tells you to get.

This is the real reason why most people fail to quit, and why it’s “hard”.

And yet, the vast majority of people who use my stop smoking subliminal according to the directions permanently quit smoking without even trying, and often so effortlessly that they don’t even know they did it for a few days. In some cases, people have actually denied that the program worked, insisting that “it just happened”, or that they "just forgot to smoke", instead. We all know it doesn’t “just happen”, and nobody "just forgets to smoke" on their own. Something has to make that happen.

Nicotine is indeed one of the most addictive substances known, but it’s not really that hard to deal with the actual nicotine withdrawal experience. It feels like hunger for food to most smokers (which is why most smokers gain weight while trying to quit using other methods). The real issue is the social hypnosis, and this is proven by the fact that people trying to quit will have symptoms even after the nicotine is completely out of their system, for as long as they are still running that faulty subconscious social hypnosis programming.

When that negative programming, and all the fears and expectations and the identity of being a smoker is dissolved, the process of quitting isn’t just effortless, it’s automatic. The truth about smoking is, it’s easy to quit and stay quit. You just have to use the right tool for the job, and use it properly.

My stop smoking subliminal is the right tool for the job.

Why should I believe that your stop smoking program works?

Because it does. The only people who have failed to stop smoking using this program, to the best of my knowledge, are the ones who refused to use it according to the directions.  This inevitably turns out to be self sabotage.

All the rest, regardless of how resistant they were, how many other smokers they lived with or encountered, how many people smoked around them or offered them a cigarette, etc. eventually quit smoking.

About 5% of the population (1 person in 20) may require more than 6 months of use to quit or quit permanently. If you are still smoking after 6 months of using the program 8+ hours a day every day, simply use it for another 6 months.

If I have quit smoking in just weeks using your stop smoking subliminal, why should I keep using it for six months?

Because just stopping isn’t the goal. Stopping permanently is the goal. And to do that, you must completely overwrite and replace all of the subconscious programming that is causing the smoking to cycle endlessly.  That takes more time than simply dominating it.

Most of the issue isn’t smoking, or nicotine, but the subconscious beliefs a smoker has about smoking, about identifying as a smoker and what they should expect when they are trying to quit. It’s social hypnosis, and it is the real reason people have a hard time quitting.

Once you have quit smoking using the program, if you stop, the social hypnosis isn’t completely overwritten and replaced yet; it has been dominated by the new programming, but not replaced yet. Without fully overwriting and replacing that old negative programming, as time goes on, you’ll probably start experiencing cravings again and eventually start smoking again.  This is because fear is self regenerating, so you have to remove the beliefs that cause the fears, or the fears will eventually return and reinstate the old fear causing beliefs and programming.

However, if you use the program for 6 months, you’re very likely to have completely overwritten the deep subconscious beliefs that cause the real issues. When that happens, you’ll not only have quit smoking, you’ll genuinely be a non-smoker, and it will be permanent.  Worst case scenario, just run through the program one more time!

Can your stop smoking subliminal work for me even if I live with other smokers?


It is a well-known fact that two or more smokers act as a smoking support group for one another when any one of them is trying to quit. In other words, if two or more smokers are in contact, and one of them tries to quit, being in contact with others who are not trying to quit (or who fail in their attempt) will only make it harder for the person attempting to quit to succeed at achieving their goal.

However, this stop smoking program has been tested under the most harsh circumstances possible – an entire household of five stubborn and strong willed smokers living together. Only one of them knew it was playing, but all five quit. In fact they quit so gently that most of them didn’t even realize it for several days.

There is no known way to get an entire household of smokers to quit simultaneously without them even knowing they’re using a smoking cessation product, except for this stop smoking program.

If you play it to yourself, you will quit without difficulty, even around others who smoke, even if they smoke around you. If you expose them too, they will also quit.  All you have to do is follow the instructions.

The important thing to remember is that your exposure to this program must be consistent, and it must be sufficient. Every day, 8+ hours a day, up to a maximum of 21 hours a day, for at least 6 months straight is necessary to not just quit, but make the results permanent. Most smokers stop actually smoking after just 2-4 weeks of exposure without trying, even while they continue to smoke as much as they want to. Making the result permanent takes significantly longer.

Can your stop smoking subliminal get me to quit even if I don’t want to?

In most cases, my stop smoking subliminal can and does trigger smoking cessation even in people who are not consciously wanting to, interested in, or ready to quit smoking.

How? Simply put, it gently adjusts your mindset, beliefs, identity and attitudes to trigger the changes that result in effortless, stress-free and permanent quitting.

For instance, it gently shifts your beliefs from “not ready to quit” to “ready, willing and able to quit”. It deals with and eliminates the fears and false beliefs you have, both consciously and subconsciously, about quitting. It does everything you need done, at a purely subconscious level, in order to not just become ready, willing and able to quit effortlessly and without stress, but it also gently turns off your addiction and withdrawal responses to nicotine.

Nicotine is only found in the body for a maximum of 14 days after you stop ingesting it. That means that you cannot respond to it after that – everything you feel, think and experience after that point is a result of “social hypnosis”. You have effectively been hypnotized from birth by society to believe that that is what is supposed to happen when you quit smoking, and everyone agrees to it. So, you accept it as an inevitable truth subconsciously, and then when you try to quit, your subconscious mind looks up “what do we do when we are trying to quit smoking?” and sees that “It’s hard to quit smoking.” So, being the good completely literal subconscious mind that it is, it tries to execute that program and actually makes it hard to quit smoking for you in all the ways you have been previously told that it is hard to quit, because it believes that is what it is supposed to do.  After all, those were the instructions!

But when my stop smoking program has fully taken effect, it dissolves all that social hypnosis and reveals the truth about quitting smoking: that it’s actually effortlessly easy, and there is no need for stress, irritability, cravings, hunger, weight gain or any of the rest. In fact in several cases, testers and customers quit so easily that they actually denied that the program was why they quit – after coming to me desperate because nothing else worked for them!  Instead, they insisted that they had simply "forgotten to smoke", all on their own.

Quitting smoking successfully and permanently requires a gentle, slow, no-pressure approach. That’s why it takes a minimum of six months for this program to do its job fully. You’re not just trying to quit smoking, you need to make it permanent. Quitting is easy, and most people do it in 2-4 weeks with my subliminal, even when they follow the instructions and smoke as much as they like while they run the program. Completely overwriting the subconscious social hypnosis requires at least 6 months of use.

Yes, my program can work even if you don’t consciously want to quit smoking. But it’s going to work a lot faster if you do.

Can I play this stop smoking program around children?

This program is designed for use by adults (18 years old or older). Unless the person under the age of 18 is actually trying to quit smoking, it is recommended that you not expose children to it.


Her: good have not even had a craving in like forever
Shannon: which means? No cigarettes since you quit from the program at week 8?
Her: yep almost 8 weeks
Shannon: How long ago was your last craving?
Her: oh wow, weeks ago, at least 3.”

“On September 19th it was my birthday and it also was my one year anniversary of quitting smoking.”